Dynamix consultants: your performance creators!

Excellent technical communication
Dynamix developers work effectively across multiple collaboration tools and convey complex engineering ideas and concepts with ease.

Core skills
Each developer is required to demonstrate their computer science fundamentals, problem-solving ability and technical aptitude to a panel of leading experts.

Proactive problem-solving
Java developers are skilled at tackling roadblocks creatively and independently. Each candidate is live-screened by top developers to test their aptitude for making on the spot decisions and providing solutions to problems.

End-to-End project execution
Our developers deliver a test project to completion, demonstrating their skills to analyse, identify, develop and implement.

Available developers

Jamil A.

Full stack Java Developer

Experience:  12 years 

Languages and Frameworks: 

JAVA  7/8, Spring core 4, Spring Security, Sprint Boot 1.5, SpringData JPA, Spring MVC, Hibernate 3.0, Microservices – Netflix OSS (Zuul, Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix), SOAP, RestFul Web Services  API, Angular JS 5, XML, SQL, Postegresql, JDBC, JUnit 3.8 , JMS  2.0, HTML 5, JSTL , IBM WebSphere Commerce–WCS,WSO2-ESB, WSO2-DSS, AOP, Kafka,  Git Integration, BitBucket, SVN, Linux.

Tools / Applications / DB

Tools / Applications / DB Tomcat, JBOSS, WebSphere Application Server, Maven 3, SONAR, Docker, Jenkins 2.5, Git 2.14, SVN, CVS, SourceTree, ActiveMq 5.14, JMeter, Netbeans, Eclipse Luna, Spring-STS, IBM RAD, Jasper Studio, Postgresql 9.3, Oracle 12C, Casandra, MYSQL, MongoDB, IBM DB2


3-tier Architecture, Model-View-Controller (MVC), n-tiers Architecture, SOA

Methodologies / Best Practices

Agile, Scrum, Jira, Confluence, SOLID


Rameez I.

Full stack Java Developer

Experience: 8 years 


Java Frameworks: AXON, Hibernate 3, 4,Struts 2,Spring 3, 4 and 5(Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, MVC, DI, Transactions, Spring-data-JPA, Security).

Java Programming: J2EE, J2SE, JSR-286, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JPA.

Web: ANGULAR (2,4), ANGULARJS 1.2, 1.4, HTML 5, DHTML, Java Script, DOJO, JQUERY, JSON, CSS & AJAX.

Architecture: Microservices, Monolithic, SOA. CQRS, Event Sourcing

AGILE Development: TDD, DDD and BDD

Hitesh G.

JEE/ Java Developer

Experience:  9 years 

Technical Architect and Chapter Lead/Senior Lead Developer with more than 9 years of professional Experience.


JAVA  7/8, Spring core 4, Spring Security, Sprint Boot 1.5, SpringData JPA, Spring MVC, Spring Cloud Eureka, Zuul, Hystrix, Actuator, Swagger Hibernate 3.0, Maven, XML 1.0, SQL,  JDBC, JUnit 3.8 , JMS  2.0, HTML 5, XSD 1.1, XSLT 2.0, RestFul Web Services  API, Linux.

Tools / Applications / DB:

Eclipse, STS, Visual Studio, Apache Tomcat 8.5, Maven 3, Phabricator, Jenkins  2.5,  Git  2.14,  SVN,  ActiveMq 5.14, RabbitMQ, Docker, HeidiSQL, Putty, WinSCP, VMWare Horizon Client, Kibana

Methodologies / Best Practices Agile, Scrum, Jira, Confluence, Mantis


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