Albert Einstein once said that if you cannot explain what you do to a 6-year-old child, you are bad at your job. As for Dynamix team, our consultants are good at both doing their job and explaining it. Are you curious to know what they do? And do you have any idea how Java experts make your everyday life smooth and comfortable? We will show you the invisible side of Java development!

I take care of bank account opening systems. With my help you can open a bank account much faster.

Ankit K., BNP
I help customers understand the energy level of the gadgets they buy.

Shilpi S., European Commission
I take care of money transfers - with my help you can make high value payments quickly and effectively.

Sahil V., SWIFT
I make insurance policy creation quick and smooth - just open an online template, fill in your data and go!

Ameny C., DKV
I help insurance company clients get reimbursed for their medical expenses (which is most urgent in the pandemic time).

Marwen L., DKV
I help companies keep a track of their employees' success and professional development.

Krimi N., European Commission
I make communication between large communities of workers fast and smooth.

Mohammed K., EU
I help doctors find, store and modify the medical data history of their patients online.

Khalil A., SMALS
I make sure claims, bills and invoices are received and processed on time.

Mones D., DKV
I ease the job of scientists and biologists who develop and multiply new varieties of species.

Abdessalem S., BASF
I help banks keep a track of invoices, credits and payments they have to do.

Kartik B., SWIFT
I take care of insurance company clients who want to get their medical expenses reimbursement (which is most urgent in the pandemic time).

Ezzeddine B., DKV
My duty is to make all redevelopment and wholesale conversion of buildings as well as permissions to build new buildings easy to find and check

Yosri J.
I help streamline the payroll process so that salaries are calculated and paid on time

Willem-Jan L., Veolia BeLux
My duty is to help companies calculate the payroll and generate the payslip for their employees

Oussama S., Group S
I take care of insurance company clients who want to get their medical expenses reimbursement

Hanen BA,
I idevelop innovative solutions that promote energy efficiency and customer comfort

Ala Eddine K., Engie
I help enable the delivery ofinnovative and efficient energyservices for residential, professional, and industrial customers

Soumaya N., Infrabel